With Life is an approach to organizing that holds the patterns of living systems at its foundation. Whether organizing in business, policy, government, or community work, the With Life Approach empowers us to create healthy, resilient organizations.
With Life As a Model
Discover the With Life Approach to organizing the change you are bringing into the world.
In this short video, Jeff Su, Director of Science and Partnerships at nRhythm, introduces the With Life Approach and the Living Systems Framework for Organizations. This framework enables us to design, manage, and monitor organizations with life in mind in order to continuously create conditions for health.
Learning from Living Systems
The With Life approach empowers people with shared purpose to create transformative change by designing, managing and monitoring in alignment with the resilience, dynamic change and emergent potential of living systems. It moves us away from inflexible, extractive organizational designs that push productivity and efficiency at the expense of individual and systemic health.
Living Systems Framework for Organizing
We recognize that organizing with life in mind is about creating conditions for the underlying health of an organization. We start by recognizing the foundational beliefs we hold about ourselves and our organization, then we design an operational identity that's an expression of those foundational beliefs, and then we manage and monitor how energy and information are flowing on a day-to-day basis in order to create conditions where resilience and emergence are recurring outcomes of it’s underlying health.
Interested to Learn & Grow in Community with Others Organizing With Life?
Born from the confluence of nRhythm and Capital Institute’s communities, the With Life Community now includes thousands of members from a wide diversity of professions and institutions, representing over 52 nationalities, and a rich tapestry of global perspectives and experiences.
Sign up to engage in a variety of experiences, including live workshops, online courses, assessment tools, practice labs, intimate group discussions, and a wealth of shared resources, that build your capacity in the With Life Approach to organizing for transformative change.
This global community is spirited and robust, full of brilliant, kind, passionate people with the desire to usher in a transformative new reality grounded in regenerative principles of vibrant living systems.